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Welcome OHIO to the New York Style Pizza Blog!

You never know what you're gonna find or when you'll find when you're searching through Google.  I was doing a search on New York Style Pizza in Savannah, and my blog entry was the first entry to pop up.  So eyeballed the second and third entries, and found (for whatever reason) a page describing an incredible New York Style Pizza place in Pickerington, Ohio, which is near Columbus.   Check out this link about Pizzeria New York in Pickerington.  Sounds pretty darn yummy.   I think I might have to find a way to get to Pickerington... 


This is no such thing as real

This is no such thing as real NY style pizza in Ohio- Ohio also has the worst chinese food and no ethnic background in any area of cuisine.'

The only way to get real NY style pizza is to go to Ray's on 11th in NYC or order it online/ups delivery.

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