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Boro Pizza - Hillsborough, NJ

The search engines have finally started picking up this blog.  You can now find it via Google.  I guess that 's why I had 48 visits yesterday, including someone from my hometown who told me of the demise of my formerly favorite pizza place.   There were many memorable moments at that place.  I love calling there-- the conversation would go like this:
"Boro Pizza"
"I'd like a cheese pie"
"Ten minutes."

I loved that -- no need to ask for your name.  They're gonna be cranking out the cheese pies anyway.  Another memory was when I was dating a girl who claimed she could eat as much pizza as me, so finally I challenged her.  We went into Boro and ordered two large cheese pies for here.  The guy behind the counter looked at us funny, and in broken English said, "One each?"   Needless to say I ate my pie and she couldn't quite finish hers. 

So Boro is gone for good-- very sad.  But on the bright side we have a new New York Style Pizza by the Slice place in Columbia, SC, that opened last week-- It's called Pop's New York Pizza and it's quite good.  I'll add a review to my site:  right away


Thanks, my friend! I think

Thanks, my friend! I think back of my many travels to distant cities and the unquenched desires for good New York Style pizza. If only there had been a New York Pizza Finder like the one at

The best pizza is

The best pizza is uncomplicated, easy to hold and chock full of wholesome goodness. It's good for the soul as well as the stomach. Pizza is as much a part of the American experience as the Pledge of Allegience and baseball...forget about hot dogs! Therefore, I salute you -my fellow American- in your pursuit of the best slices around.

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