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Pizza - 3 Meals in One Day in Clearwater / St. Petersburg Florida

I did it.  Three meals in one day.  Pizza for every meal.

I didn't plan it, it just happened.  It started at Mike's Pizza & Deli where I picked up some breakfast pizza.  As noted previously, that was yummy.  For lunch, it was Sardo's over in Largo.   

When it was time for dinner I thought about my options, and decided to try two more pizza places:  Zeko's Pizzeria on Gulf-to-Bay and George's on Belcher.  Zeko's was not bad.  George's I would not recommend.  I would not consider either of them New York Style.  


georges does not serve or

georges does not serve or advertise new york style. they have their own pan pizza style, and the best reputation.

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